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The facilities of St. Philip’s Episcopal Church include the Church Sanctuary; the Parish Hall, including offices, kitchen, and reception hall on the first floor and nursery, and classrooms on the second floor; gardens, grounds, and parking lot. Entry to the church sanctuary and parish hall are handicapped accessible but, regretfully, accessibility of bathrooms is an important future project.


Sanctuary: Requests to use the Church Sanctuary for sacramental, worship, or non-worship purposes always begins by contacting directly the Rector (200 people maximum).


Parish Hall: The Parish Hall is available for use for non-profit and personal programs and events for a fee.  There is a maximum of 100 people.  Kitchen facilities are available to organize pre-cooked food that is brought in.  Please note:  We are NOT a certified kitchen so it is not available to actually cook food here.  (Just to warm up and use the refrigerator and counter space as needed.)  There are classrooms upstairs that hold 10-15 people maximum.  Contact the Church Office (413) 527-0862 for initial inquiry with date requested, which will then be given to Joe Bianca, our Jr. Warden, who is in charge of building use.

Let Us Host Your Event

Contact Us to Learn More about Facilities Rental


126 Main Street
Easthampton, MA 01027



The Right Rev. Douglas Fisher
Bishop of Western Massachusetts


The Rev. Michael Anderson Bullock, Priest-in-Charge


Karen Banta, Organist & Choir Director


Lesa Sweigart, Parish Administrator


David Brown, Sexton

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