Worship at St. Philip's
Sunday services at 10 am are now in-person and live-streamed.
Join us every evening at 8 pm for Compline.
All our services are streamed on our channel on this website.
If you come here, you will grow.

Welcome to
St. Philip’s Episcopal Church
We are a community of people who yearn to receive more and more of what God gives, believing this provides us with what we need and cannot give to ourselves. St. Philip’s strives to be a Christian congregation, committed to showing up in order that we may remember what it means and what it takes to be God’s people. Rooted in this faithfulness, we work together to honor and support one another, staying open and grateful for what lies ahead in the life our community.
Since 1871, St. Philip’s has been a place where people have been invited, welcomed, and shaped into being followers of Jesus. Like the world at large, St. Philip’s has faced the challenges of change and sometime hardship. Yet, we have chosen to do more than survive. We choose to be faithful, to be retooled in our faith, and to be people whose faithfulness can be trusted and shared.
Worship Schedule
The Sunday Service begins at 10:00. Most Services are a Eucharist Liturgy, or sometimes a Morning Prayer service is offered. Sunday School begins September 10, 2023.
Philip was a disciple of Jesus, and when a friend asked him if any good thing could come out their small town, Philip said, “Come and see.” The same invitation and commitment to explore what really matters in life marks the life of St. Philip’s, Easthampton. Come and see what life with God is like. Come and see how members of St. Philip’s explore and learn and grow and inquire and mature as people rooted in Christ and open to the vast promises of God.
Good things come out of our church on Main Street!
We would love to welcome you and to invite you to share with us the love of God lived out together in our little community.
Come as you are and grow with us!

Our Leaders
Our Church
“Darkness cannot drive out darkness. Only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate. Only love can do that.”
Martin Luther King, Jr.